Where in the World Have I been?

   The last few weeks have been crazy, which is why I've been silent on here. It's been a roller coaster of ups and downs, but I'm finally settling into a routine.
    After serving Mac's grandmother for a week, she passed away surrounded by family. Our time for several days was spent mostly with family, trying to help in whatever ways we could, and remembering grandma together. Despite our grief, it was truly a blessing to spend time with family.

    In the midst of that, I got a job at our neighborhood Walgreens. My hours were a bit erratic at first, which made it difficult to plan anything. Working at Walgreens enabled me to get to know the neighborhood in a different way, and I met a lot of people.

    We also celebrated our 2nd anniversary! I am so blessed to be married to Mac, who has supported me in so many ways in this new adventure. Our anniversary was spent resting and recovering mostly, but we are still grateful for our time together. We celebrated at Olive Garden, because we got a generous gift in the mail. Our gifts were small, but what mattered is that we made it 2 years, and plan on many more. 

     We finished out the week with one last trip to Dairy Belle before it closed for the season. We even brought Sable along for a little treat. 
she was very excited

      Because of the added income of a new job, I was able to get my hair done, which was very needed. I found a great salon and spa outside of town. The hairdresser grew up in the area, and she gave me some recommendations of things to do and places to visit. This is a great escape from the crazy for me, and one small way I try to refresh. There will probably be a blog post on caring for ones self, as you care for others, in the future. This is a lesson that I'm still learning, and that is a hard one for me.

      Part of the reason I got my hair done, was because I officiated a wedding a week ago for two awesome people. Their wedding was simple, elegant, and beautiful. I also got the added bonus of seeing some former students from my days as an intern. It was a great time, and I was so honored to be a part of it all.  I don't have any pictures, because I was so in the moment, soaking it all in.
      If this wasn't enough, I was contacted by the school district here in Hammond to substitute teach. This would mean more pay, consistent hours, with weekends, holidays, and summer off which is the ideal situation for pastoring at the same time. I filled out all the paper work, got my sub license, and have already been subbing for a week now. This also meant, that despite just starting a job at Walgreens, I had to turn around and put in my resignation. I was so grateful for that job, but am grateful I can work for less time with more pay. I also LOVE substitute teaching. Every day is different, and I love getting to know the students. I am sure there will be tons of blog posts about what I've learned and encountered while subbing. It's such a great way to connect with the community, and to really impact kids in our city.
     Finally, we had a housewarming party, and decided to paint a large percentage of our house to get ready for it. We worked for hours painting. We have a lot left to do, but our house looks so much more like a home than it did when we first moved in. It also makes us feel much more at home. There were some issues we ran into, but for now, we are really proud of our accomplishments. There will be pictures at a later date.
    So that's a run down of the last 3 weeks, a new job started, a funeral, a wedding, a different new job, leaving a job, having a party, and painting a house. Life is full. It is always an adventure, but we are truly enjoying the ride.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 7, 2014. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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