Intergenerational Advent Candle Liturgy

Advent Candle LiturgyWeek 1: He is Coming

Adult: Each year we light special candles to mark the beginning of a time called Advent. Do you know what advent means?

Child: (Responds whether they do or don’t)

Adult: It means that we are anticipating the arrival of something. For us, we are anticipating, waiting for, and hoping for the arrival of Jesus. A reminder of Jesus coming as a baby long ago, but hoping for Jesus to come again and make all things right. There are 4 weeks of Advent, leading up to Christmas, so we have 4 candles. What are the colors of the candles?

Child: Purple and Pink and White

Adult: Why do you think they are purple and pink?

Child: answers

Adult: Purple is the color of royalty but also a color that represents us asking forgiveness. Pink is the week we celebrate joy, that while Jesus is still not here, we know he is coming soon and we have joy. What do you think the white candle represents?

Child: Answers

Adult: It represents Jesus! We light this candle for the first time on Christmas and then light it every Sunday throughout the whole year, to remind us that Jesus is the light of the world. Today we are focusing on Jesus coming. That Jesus came into our world even though it was full of suffering. How do you think people feel to know that Jesus is with them, and they don’t have to go through hard times alone?

Child: Answers

Adult: I think it helps us feel hope and comfort to know that Jesus came into the world at Christmas and that Jesus is coming again. Let’s say a special prayer that those who are suffering in the world might have hope that Jesus came to bring light and love to them too. (Light candles)
Jesus, help us to have hope this week. As we light this candle, help us to remember people who are struggling in darkness still, and who need us to bring the light and love of Jesus with us. Help us to let them know that they do not need to be alone, but that Jesus loves them and is with them. Help us to remember that you are coming again to make all things right. Amen

Advent Candle Liturgy
Week 2: He is Lord

Adult: What sort of things do you do at your house to prepare for Christmas?

Child: Answers

Adult: We often spend a lot of time getting our houses ready for Christmas. Cleaning extra for guests, putting up special decorations, cooking delicious foods. In the midst of all those preparations, we sometimes forget to prepare our hearts and homes for Jesus. What might it look like to prepare for Jesus?

Child: Answers

Adult: It’s difficult when we are so busy to remember to make time for Jesus, but he is supposed to be the Lord of our life. We are reminded of that this week. John the Baptist preached about making straight paths for the LORD. We can do that in our lives too, by making time to learn more about Jesus, by caring and loving the people around us, by being kind and acting justly towards others. Sometimes this is really hard to do, because it means changing the way we live our lives. Are there things you think you can do to prepare your heart for Jesus?

Child: Answers

Adult: This week we are lighting the candle of peace and remembering that Jesus is LORD. Jesus can bring us peace even in the midst of our crazy lives, and can help us to share peace with those around us. What are ways you can share peace this week?

Child: Answers

Adult: Let’s say a special prayer that we’d remember to prepare our hearts for the peace of Jesus this week. (Light Candles)
God, as we light this candle of peace, help us to remember that our lives aren’t about clean houses, parties, and sparkly things. Help us to prepare our hearts for you, that we would know peace and share peace with the world around us. That we would reorder our lives in such a way, that you would be LORD over everything. Amen

Advent Candle Liturgy
Week 3: He is Light

Adult: Today we are going to light the pink candle. Do you remember what the pink candle represents?

Child: Answers

Adult: The pink candle represents joy! As the birth of Jesus gets closer, we have joy that it is coming soon, and this week we are remembering that Jesus is light. Lots of children are afraid of the dark. Are you afraid of the dark?

Child: Answers

Adult: The darkness often makes ordinary things seem scary, and sometimes life seems dark too. There are lots of scary, sad, and lonely things that happen in life. It can feel like we are living in darkness. You might have had scary, sad, and lonely things happen to you even. When it’s dark though, what helps us to see?

Child: Answers (hopefully with light!)

Adult: Yes! Light helps get rid of the darkness so we can see. John the Baptist told the people that while they had been living in darkness waiting for a light to come, that light had come, and his name was Jesus! Jesus came to shine light in dark places, so we can see and we no longer have to be afraid. How do you feel knowing that Jesus came to be the light?

Child: Answers

Adult: Todays candle is the candle of joy, and we have joy because our lives aren’t dark, but Jesus brought us light. We can go and share the light of Jesus with others too, that they might have joy as well. What are some ways we can do that this week?

Child: Answers

Adult: Let’s say a special prayer as we light the candle of joy, that God would help us to share the light with others this week. (light candle)
God, as we light this candle, help us to remember that you are the light, and to share that light with the world around us. Help us have strength and courage to shine bright wherever we go that others might not be afraid, or sad, or lonely, but that they can know that you are with them and you can bring them joy. Amen.

Advent Candle Liturgy
Week 4: She is Chosen

Adult: Have you ever been chosen for a special task? Maybe you were picked to be line leader at school, or for a special part in a play?

Child: Answers

Adult: How did you feel to be chosen for such a special task?

Child: Answers

Adult: Today we remember Mary who was chosen for a very important task, she was chosen to be the mother of Jesus. It would have been a hard decision for her to be the mother of Jesus, it could have cost her all her friends. It would have cost her her reputation. It could have cost her her husband. It very well could have cost her her very life, and yet she said yes to being Jesus’ mother. Why do you think she’d say yes when she had so much to lose?

Child: Answers

Adult: Being chosen is very special and can sometimes be very scary too. God has chosen all of us for a special task as well, to share his love with the world. It took a lot of love for Mary to become the mother of Jesus, and it takes a lot of love for us to care for the world too. What are some ways we can love others this week?

Child: Answers

Adult: As we light the love candle this week, let’s say a special prayer that God would help us to love God and others well. (Light Candle)
          God, we know it took a lot of love for Mary to choose to have Jesus as her son. It takes a lot for us to follow you sometimes, so help us to love you that much too, that we would give up everything for you. Help us to love the other people around us as well, that they might see your love in us. Amen

Advent Candle Liturgy
Christ Candle

Pastor: Today we light the Christ candle. We remember that Christ is the light of the world, that Christ has come, and that he will come again. He has promised to come and make all things right. We carry a part of this light with us wherever we go, so this morning, as we leave this place, we will each light our own candle from the light of the Christ Candle, as a reminder to share that light with the world around us. To let our little lights shine in a dark world.
          This is our benediction this morning. To walk into the world with the light of Jesus, that we might declare boldly that Christ has come and will come again, and that we are to shine the light of Jesus to the world around us.

          (Light Christ Candle… then light small candles while singing a Christmas Carol)

This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 28, 2017. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

One Response to “Intergenerational Advent Candle Liturgy”

  1. Our Children’s Church Director would like to print out and assemble this material to use packets for students (about 8-12 kids) to use and take home. Is that permissible or will we be infringing on any copy right restrictions?
