Easter Launch

     As you probably know already, our launch day was Easter Sunday. We thought it fitting to do a big kick off on resurrection Sunday. Our time here has been a testament to the resurrection and we wanted to emphasize that we are part of the resurrected life.
    I don't have any pictures to share, because I was so busy running around and spending my time talking with people. Others got some however, and I'll put some up, as soon as I get some. 
    The day started early. I rolled out 40+ cinnamon rolls and baked them before 9am. Luckily for me, baking is incredibly calming, and being so busy took my mind off any nervousness I may have felt. So as I walked into the church for the hundredth time that morning, this time to stay until after service, I felt great.
     We had flowers, the church looked amazing, we had food... we had LOTS of food, and as 10am rolled around, we had people! 
     Many of our friends and family came out to support us in this big endeavor. It was great to see all of them,  and to have people see the progress on the physical building.
      That being said, I did get razzed quite a bit, because apparently when there are more than 10 people to preach too... I get long winded. There was so much to fit into one service, a welcome, an introduction, thank yous, special musics, communion, a church dedication, it was packed.
     The biggest blessings of the day, however, were the people. I was surprised by one of my big sisters and her husband from Iowa. I was completely shocked and humbled that they pulled off such an amazing surprise. I was in tears before I ever got up on the stage. Family is so important to me, and having both some of Mac's side and my side there, made the day incredibly meaningful. The truth is, church planting is difficult in ways I never anticipated, and that support of family and friends truly makes a difference on the long and hard days.
      We also had lots of friends come out. Some hadn't been to church in a while, and it was so humbling that their first time back to a church, was to support us in all we are trying to achieve.
      Then there were some neighbors. Not lots of them, but a couple. The numbers don't matter as much as the heart does. One woman has already been a great blessing. She's been telling everyone to come, passing out flyers, and being a general source of encouragement. The grace of God always surprises me, even now, how He calls people to himself.
      This is just the beginning. Our attendance was back down this last week, which we anticipated, but the contacts we have made, and the encouragement we got, will truly help us as we go ahead. The feedback will help us know how to better be hospitable to our neighbors, and we have so many things planned for the days ahead.
     This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon of life change, and community investment. We recognize that. Transformation takes a long time, and we really want to be here for it. It's still amazing what has been accomplished in the past 11 months, and we are still confident that God has great things in store for us yet.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 14, 2015. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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